Growing Up...

It's been a while, hasn't it, and I realise that I never posted about KCAPL'12 or the James Bourne gig! I think it might be a little late now to go into too much detail about them. But, for the record, they were both absolutely AMAZING! Oooh, and so was Michael McIntyre when I saw him live at a theatre in Maidstone.

Here's a photo from KCAPL'12!

It's a little blurry, but still!

And here's a photo from the James Bourne gig!

Jizz face... I love it!

I don't have a photo from the Michael McIntyre show... Cameras weren't allowed...
Anyway, what I wanted to talk about today is growing up.
Do we ever really grow up? We get older, yes, but does that necessarily mean that our state of mind matures and makes us act more like 'adults'?

There are song lyrics from a track called 'You're So Vain' by a band called That Sunday Feeling which go like this:

Growing old is mandatory
Growing up is optional

Surely this says it all? Even though we all age and watch life pass us by, that doesn't mean that we're suddenly going to be grown up and lose our ability to enjoy life.

The term 'grow up' is used in a variety of contexts in everyday life: a mother could tell her child to 'grow up'; a young boy could wish to be a fireman when he 'grows up'; a girl beginning her teenage years could be looking forward to being a 'grown up'.

But what does that actually mean - what does it mean to 'grow up'?

I Googled the phrase, and the first result was this:

So, according to this web definition, the term 'to grow up' means to 'become an adult'. I'm guessing this can be done in two different ways, physically growing into a more adult form (I don't need to go into details, I'm sure you've all gone through this in biology or sex ed...) or mentally, as our state of mind matures and we become a more (dare I say it) sensible version of ourselves.

But do we really want to grow up? As we all get older, we begin to try to appear younger by smothering ourselves in every wrinkle cream we could fit in the basket at Boots, paying a fortune out in the salon to have our hair dyed to a more 'healthy' colour in place of the white strands that are beginning to show a little too much... even head-banging at a rock concert of a band that we've never heard of before just because it might help us to relive our youth.

Yes, we do like the idea of being more mature and sophisticated, but we all try to age gracefully, and enjoy it along the way. So, surely we should be allowed to, without anyone telling us that we're being immature or that we need to grow up at times when we don't need to.

As Bob Nicholson (Alan Davies) says in Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, "What's the hurry with growing up so fast?"


Sarah -x-


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