Please, Please, Please, Pleeease Me!

The social networking world has revolutionised the way we commnicate with each other. But, while it might be good to be able to be in some kind of contact with the outside world 24/7, these sites have brought with them a new way for us all to be judged based on what we do online.

How many times have you gone to write a status on Facebook, but then re-worded it a million times in fear of sounding too vain, too moany, too happy, too sad, too attention seeking...? And how many times have you changed your mind on commenting on someone else's status, just in case you upset them with your views, or just to avoid looking like a loser?

We've adapted now to try to please other people in order to make sure we're not judged negatively by the people we know (and, sometimes, the people we don't).
Isn't it bad enough that, thanks to society's idea of 'perfection' we already worry about whether we're too skinny, too fat, too tall, too short, not good-looking enough, too annoying, too quiet....without another equally powerful way to enhance our insecurities?

I'm a culprit of it myself! When I really started using Twitter a year or two ago, I realised how different it was to Facebook, and that I could tweet my opinions as much as I'd like and not have to worry about people complaining. But now that more and more people I know are jumping on the bandwagon, I'm worried about them 'following' me, because I know it will make me feel restricted again!

Even with this blog, I'm always thinking about whether it's being read, whether people are interested in what I write about...

A friend of mine, though, told me that I should stop worrying about what other people think and just 'write what I feel', which is, in all honesty, some of the best advice I've been given in a while.

My dream is to become a published writer, and if I'm to achieve that goal, I have to stop being so worried about pleasing other people and just work on saying what I want when I want, so that I can build confidence in what I do!

I think if more people took that attitude, we'd all be happier - yes, there might be a tad more bloodshed when the Beliebers 'diss' 1D's dress sense, but we'd all feel like we can be more open with each other about our thoughts and opinions without judgement!

After all, there's nothing wrong with a bit of honesty!

- Sarah x


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