
Showing posts from March, 2013

Very Little Work, Very Little Play

I've been a M.I.A from here for a while. And, to be honest, I would have been absent for a lot longer if it weren't for some feedback I got on Twitter today about my blog. So I've just given it a bit of a revamp and made it look a bit simpler and more mature (at least I hope that's how it looks now!). So hopefully that'll make it easier to enjoy and appreciate what I'm writing, instead of just the way it looks. Anyway, the reason I've neglected my blogging responsibilities recently is... I've been job hunting. Yep, nothing particularly exciting, I'm afraid, but I am officially classed as 'unemployed.' Now, you might think that this would give me more time to write endlessly about what I am (or what I'm not) getting up to on a daily basis. But this, unless it wasn't already obvious, has not been the case.