
Showing posts from April, 2013

Don't Forget the Silly Times

People can be silly. It's not always their fault. Sometimes they can be silly when they don't know they're doing it. Sometimes they do or say things which they think are completely serious, but actually, they're just silly. Sometimes they're too young, or too old, or just too silly to know they're being silly. Either way, it's safe to say I've come across a fair deal of silly things all over the place. (Admittedly, I'm probably guilty of doing/saying silly things too, though they're conveniently erased from my memory.) There's a selection of these silly things that I've never forgotten about, and they tend to make me smile (or face-palm) whenever I randomly think about them. Now I'm going to share my top 4 with you, in the hope that they'll make you smile too...

Finding The Way

It's quite easy to get lost. All it takes is a simple wrong turn for you to end up stuck in a place that you don't recognise, and suddenly you feel like an alien; you look around and everyone else knows where they're going and what they're doing, but you're a wanderer, somewhere completely new and you're there completely by accident. Suddenly, you're Dorothy in Munchkinland, you're Alice in Wonderland, you're The Doctor at a Christmas dinner table. Although perhaps on a slightly less ground-breaking scale. More importantly, once you're lost, it's not quite as easy to find your way back. Okay, there are cases where you can just turn around and go back the way you came, but even a method as simple as that can bring about its own set of worries, such as: 'I'm quite sure I turned right on the way... So I should take a left on the way back, right? Or is that the other way around....?...Hang on, I don't remember that tree being there...