Don't Forget the Silly Times

People can be silly.

It's not always their fault.
Sometimes they can be silly when they don't know they're doing it. Sometimes they do or say things which they think are completely serious, but actually, they're just silly. Sometimes they're too young, or too old, or just too silly to know they're being silly.

Either way, it's safe to say I've come across a fair deal of silly things all over the place. (Admittedly, I'm probably guilty of doing/saying silly things too, though they're conveniently erased from my memory.)
There's a selection of these silly things that I've never forgotten about, and they tend to make me smile (or face-palm) whenever I randomly think about them.

Now I'm going to share my top 4 with you, in the hope that they'll make you smile too...
Silly Thing #1
My brother recently applied for his passport, so he had to go for a routine interview before they sent it to him. On the way to the interview, he texted me asking 'What's dad's maiden name?'
He later tried to cover it up by saying he meant to write 'middle name', not maiden name.
Yeaahhh, right!

Silly Thing #2
My mum is like the queen of silly. Honestly, if anyone's likely to do or say something that'd make us all laugh at her silliness, it's her. This is one of my favourites, which I heard about from my brother.
Last summer, Mum and my little brother Paul went to the local Strand/Riverside area, and spent some time throwing pebbles into the water. While they were there, my older brother, Ian, phoned my mum (for some reason I've forgotten).
So she's stood there talking away to Ian, when she goes into sudden panic because she couldn't find her mobile in her pocket. She was genuinely frantic, and even tried sending Paul on a hunt for it, thinking she'd either dropped it among the pebbles, or thrown it into the water by accident.
It took both Paul and Ian a good minute to get her to realise that she was holding it because she was using it to talk to Ian.
We've never let her forget it.

Silly Thing #3
Sometimes, kids can say the funniest things.
There was a time a few years ago when I was walking behind a small child and his mum, and I couldn't help but overhear his conversation with her about school dinners.
"We had chilli today, mum, and guess what they put in it..? CHILLI POWDER!"
The genuine shock on his face still makes me laugh.

Silly Thing #4
There's this row of houses that I used to walk past every day on the way home from school. One day, years ago, I noticed that one of the houses had recently had it's front window ledge painted black.
Now, what's the normal thing to do to warn people that there's wet paint somewhere? You'd put a sign up, right? Maybe a bit of paper taped to the window would have been sensible in this case. Well, apparently not, according to whoever had painted this window ledge.
To warn people about the fresh paint, this person had PAINTED the words 'WET PAINT' in white ON the freshly black paint. ON IT!
Ahh, honestly, that one's so silly, it amuses me!

As I said, there a loads more silly things I've seen/heard, though those were the four that I remember in particular, and which make me smile most!

Feel free to leave a comment about any silly things you've seen or heard (or done) which you've never forgotten about!

Sometimes, they're a nice reminder that, no matter how much of a plonker I might feel at times, there's most likely someone else who's doing something just as silly as me...if not more so!
*Smiley Face*

I've used the word 'silly' a lot in this post.

Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly, silly...


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