Life in My TARDIS
I haven't posted anything since May. MAY! That's like a whole two months ago! This just isn't acceptable. Especially not since I managed a grand total of six blog posts in May, which I'm sure is a new record - for me, anyway. I do have a good excuse for lagging on the blogging front, though: I've been working. Yup, that is my excuse. Now, you might not think it's a sufficient enough reason - and admittedly it's not the best - but I've given worse. 'I haven't known what to post about...' 'I've been doing my A-Levels...' 'I've been job hunting, which has turned me into a dull, lifeless zombie who can't string five words together competently, let alone write a half way decent blog post...!' Blaaah-de-blah. Those were pretty rubbish excuses, so at least this one has some substance. I have genuinely been working though, and quite a few hours as well. I'm not complaining - it's been good to get out ...