*Cue the Cheesy Inspirational Music*


That is the best way I can think of beginning this post.
Because that is kinda how I'm feeling right now.
My positivity levels have been given a huuuuge boost, which is great, especially in comparison to where they were at the start of the month.
You will find out why if you keep reading....

The majority of time that has passed since the night I posted 'New Year, New Freak' has been spent in the dull, Christmas-is-over-and-January-is-here bubble I tend to visit every year. If I'm honest, this period has always, and will always, see me floating around in a state of denial, with festive songs still on my regular playlist and the tin of Celebrations still unfinished.
I spent my time working at the library or fangirling on Twitter about the latest updates from McFly, McBusted and Hollywood Ending. My social life has consisted of a game of bowling once every couple of weeks, which is both enjoyable and a good stress relief - even if I do sometimes chuck the ball behind me towards my friends, rather than the pins...
Meanwhile, I have remained very aware of the resolutions I had committed myself to in that late night blog post, and wanted to give a quick update on how I'm getting on. I promise not to do this every time I post, but I just thought I'd show that I'm more serious about them this year than I have been in previous years.
In the very same week of me writing them, I was given a bit of a metaphorical kick in the gut. While this did kind of hurt at the time, it did further motivate me to fulfil one of those resolutions in particular, about only pursuing the most important things in life, rather than chasing something which is going to leave me feeling bad about myself.

I also feel like I've got a lot more respect for myself now. I am more conscious of the things I say to people, and I am now sure to only tell them things I mean, rather than just falling into the trap of playing along with what they want me to say, just so I don't annoy them.
So far, this has led to virtual blank expressions from whoever I'm talking to(i.e, confusion which is evident through a Facebook message), as well as some failed attempts at persuasion from them, which is actually rather amusing! I would very much like to give examples of some snippets of a conversation or two, but that would be in poor taste and not very nice... maybe next time...

In terms of my hopes to broaden my horizons, at work I've been paying more attention to the books I am putting on the shelves. I often get caught engrossed in a blurb, or flicking through the first few pages of a novel. I'm determined to read lots more, which in turn, with any luck, will provide me with the inspiration and fresh ideas I need to get me on track with my writing.

So, all in all, it's not going too badly, and while there has been a sour note here and there along the way, I'm finding it easier to move past them, rather than letting myself dwell on them.

Also this month...

I got into a fight!
You might think I don't seem like the fighting kind, which you would be correct about, I'm not, normally. But this one was rather unavoidable, so it would seem...

It was with... some stairs...and I lost.

Ha, I bet I had you going there, right...?
Yeah...? No...? Okay, fine...
That worked a lot better through text message...

Anyway, after 20 years of living in the same house, and going up and down the same two sets of stairs, you would think I would be fully aware of the number of steps that lead from the hallway to the kitchen. Apparently not..
I missed the last step or two, somehow under the delusion that I had already reached the bottom.
My brother went into Mother Hen mode, as he does. He made sure I hadn't hit my head, told me to stay still while he got the bag of frozen runner beans out and put it on my ankle, told my mum not to try moving my foot about because it would make it worse...
Eventually it got to the stage when he realised that, other than having difficulty standing up properly without pain shooting through my ankle, I was okay, at which point he mumbled 'man up' and stomped up the stairs to bed. Bless him, so caring!
Anyway, it turned out I'd just sprained my ankle, which was a relief, although it resulted in me having to take Wednesday off work and spend the week laid up on the settee 'resting' it. This came in handy, as my three brothers felt compelled to attend to my every need, seeing as I had done the same when each of them had injured themselves. While I was free to work my way through a boxset of Only Fools and Horses, being cooped up did get very boring and reminded me of my unemployed days...

While my ankle still feels a little stiff and pulls at times, it is definitely better than it was, which is good!

Now, while all of that is very positive and kind of exciting, I guess, none of it is responsible for my boost in positivity.

This, however, is:

You may remember how I spoke about mistakes I'd made and how the way I had handled certain situations had led to me losing something important to me..?
Well, I am rather pleased to report that things are looking up! In the past few days, I seem to have recaptured what I thought was gone for good, and some much needed talks have been had. I believe, touch wood, the initial reconciliation hurdle has been jumped, and things are on the mend, which I am immensely happy about.
I am so glad that, despite the mistakes I have made, I've somehow managed to redeem myself - to a certain extent - and I now have an opportunity to rebuild what I had before, without making a complete mess of it again!
I feel like this has lifted my mood so much that even my underlying nerves about it seem like nothing more than whispers in the very back of my mind.

Adding to my happiness is the fact that I have booked my next trip to Southampton! I had so much fun there at the end of November that I'm going back for a few days at the end of February! Only this time, I'm going there for a string of Loserville shows that're going to be on at the Hub theatre! I'm going to be going to three of the five shows, and I am so excited. It's been just over a year since Loserville closed in the West End, and I have tweeted so many times about how much I wished I could see it again... now I am! So that should keep me quiet for a little while... perhaps... maybe not for long. ;)

So with that to look forward to, and with something I thought I'd lost back in my life, I am feeling rather happy at the moment.
I honestly feel like running alongside a line of people, wearing a hair net, and pouring milk from a large jug into the glasses in their outstretched hands, Bruce Nolan style.
At the moment, despite the my sniffly nose, the yucky weather, and my currently numb fingers, life is looking B-E-A-UUUUUU-TIFUL!



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