I always imagined myself to be the kind of person who becomes extremely quiet when nervous, almost on the verge of mutism. And, I guess, in many situations, that is true. If I'm around a large group of people, especially if the majority of those people are strangers to me, I tend to find it difficult to hold a conversation, mostly because I lack the confidence to make myself heard. Saying that, I'm not completely hopeless. Coming from a noisy household with three brothers and having a number of male friends means that I can handle the 'one of the lads' routine, in terms of the loudness and the joking around. I've even picked up a bit of an ability to 'banter', as the kids say! I wouldn't call myself the life of the party, but I get by, as long as I'm comfortable around the people I'm with. It's mainly when it comes to family gatherings or work dos that I keep schtum. (That's a technical term. Schtum). I always expected the same kind ...