For The Best
Nothing is set in stone. Everything is always subject to change. Whether it be your health, the price of bread in the supermarket or your relationship with someone else. Nothing can live up to a promise of always staying as it is.
That isn't to say that all changes are bad - much to the contrary. A change in career, for instance, or a new addition to the family or a move to a new home; these are all examples that could bring a great deal more happiness.
Change is a part of life, whether it be for the better or not, and we all must come to accept it, even if we don't want to. Of course this would be influenced by the nature of the change and how it came about. Is the effect lessened if we are in control of and instigate the change? Or is it just as difficult?
No matter the situation, each person is faced with a string of different emotions which of course impact on the experience and the outcome.
I made a change to my life recently and I've noticed I used the words 'for the best' a lot when talking to people about it. This has usually come about after finding myself in a tight spot where I had to either admit to the change or endure an awkward conversation about the matter. So perhaps my phrase of choice was just a good shutdown technique. But I know deep down that it's not wrong.
The change I made - I feel like it was necessary and to be honest, it was inevitable. There was a time when I thought it wouldn't ever happen, but the perspective I have on it now tells me I was silly not to think otherwise. The truth of it is that I wasn't happy. I mean, I hadn't been for a while, but it was only when the rose-tinted glasses came off that I could see it that clearly. For so long I had been trying to convince myself that it was all in my head or that I was just going through my own personal low, and that the situation I was in was completely right for me. But this wasn't true at all.
Over the last few months it has become more obvious to me that the reason I was feeling so down and was having so much trouble saying I was genuinely happy wasn't because there was anything necessarily wrong with me. It was because I was forcing myself to stay stuck in a place where I wasn't genuinely happy. I realised that the only way to fix it was to change it.
That didn't necessarily make it easy though. The thought of it made me feel so bad, which might seem strange but when I was looking at the bigger picture, the potential consequences were hard to ignore. If I'm honest, I was bloody scared. It felt like I was having an internal battle, trying to make myself understand that although there were some factors that may have helped me towards my decision, the actual motive behind it was not wrong. Then once I'd actually acted on it I was hit by this wave of sadness, like I was grieving for what used to be and for what now never would, which I suppose is only natural.
What surprised me most was how quickly it passed. I mean, I had my time the same evening where I got myself into a bit of a state, and then I had a few moments at work the next day, but then that was it for the most part. Of course I've still been thinking about it a lot - mainly for what it means for the future - but overall, I'm okay. I've been able to tell people that without any hesitation, which feels like the first time in a good while.
It's bugging me a little because once again I feel bad for how easy it's been for me to get past it. Maybe this is a sign of how unhappy I was before. Maybe it's because part of me had started coming to terms with it and moving on, in a way, before I'd even made the change.
Either way, I have accepted the idea that it was what I needed to do. I know there are still so many more changes to come my way throughout my life, whether they are thrust upon me or come about through choices I make. Some of the most likely ones are popping into mind right now. Some of them might even occur rather soon.
For now though, it's nice to think that regardless of what happens next, however scary, I'm going into it feeling happier. I've finally taken time to understand myself a little more and how to make things better for myself. Changes made with that kind of mentality aren't really so bad overall, even if they seem it at the time.
So maybe this one really was 'for the best'.
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